[February Product Updates] Run Your Next Fundraiser in Seconds

This new feature is going to save you so much time

When you’re ready to run your next fundraiser, the LAST thing you EVER want to waste time on is having to call me up.

So, we just made it so you never have to!

That’s right:

You can now ‘copy’ your previous year’s fundraiser with just a few button clicks.

You’ll be underway in seconds…

… and never have to talk to me once.

(of course, you’re more than welcome to call or email me anytime… I just know many of you would rather not see my ugly mug, haha)

Don’t believe me?

Check out this new feature for yourself by:

  1. Logging on to the app right now,

  2. Signing up for our live demonstration at the end of this month to have me personally walk you through it,

  3. or Scrolling Below!

(Pssstt….. just like everything else in Teamfi, this new feature is still 100% Free)

Step 1: Create a New Fundraiser

Click the admin icon on your Coach Dashboard to bring up your fundraiser management panel:

Once you’re there, select “Create a Fundraiser”

Step 2: Choose to Copy an Existing Fundraiser (instead of starting from scratch)

When you select the “Create a Fundraiser” button, you’ll trigger our brand-new “Create a New Fundraiser” flow.

On this screen, you’ll have the option to:

A: Create a Fundraiser from Scratch 

B: Copy an Existing Fundraiser

If you choose A, you’ll be transported immediately back to the same Coach Dashboard that you know & love.

But, since we want to copy a previous fundraiser, we’re going to select B, “Copy an Existing Fundraiser”.

Step 3: Select the Fundraiser You’d Like to Copy

When we select B, we land on this page, where we’re prompted with a list of our previous fundraisers:

Select the one you’d like to copy, and hit ‘Continue’ in the lower right hand portion of the screen.

Step 4: Review & Edit the Fundraiser You Just Copied

After you’ve selected a previous fundraiser to copy, you’ll have the chance to ‘tweak’ the details that were used previously:

Use this step to update the year of the fundraiser (if applicable), or switch out the team photo to make it more current.

When you’re done editing, hit ‘Continue’ once again!

Step 5: Select Which of Your Previous Players Will be Participating in This Fundraiser

This is where the magic happens

On this step, you’ll select which of your previous players should be included on this new fundraiser:

Your players won’t need to create new accounts and join this fundraiser….

They’ll simply log on and find themselves already included!

Step 6: Finalize Fundraiser Details

Once you’ve finalized the list of players who will be joining this fundraiser, hit continue once more to trigger our final review panel:

Use this as a last chance to check the details on the new fundraiser you’ll be making.

If you’re happy, hit “Confim and Create Fundraiser”.

You’re now ready to go, and all the players you’ve selected are now included in this fundraiser.

Step 7: Wait for Players to Rollover Contacts

Now that your previous players are now included, all that’s left before launching is having your players ‘Roll Over’ their previously uploaded contacts from past fundraisers.

When they log on, they’ll see a button to do just that.

When they click that button, they’ll trigger this pop-up:

By clicking “Yes, roll my contacts over”, they’ll have all their previous contacts ready to go from the past fundraiser.

No need for them to waste time uploading 20 new contacts!!!

Step 8: Launch Fundraiser

Let’s review what we’ve done so far:

  1. You copied a previous fundraiser

  2. You included players from that previous fundraiser

  3. Those players have logged on and rolled over their contacts from the previous fundraiser

Fundraiser + Players + Players’ Contacts?

Sounds like you’re ready to launch!

Hit ‘Activate Fundraiser’ (just like before), and start fundraising!!!!

Want to see this new feature live?

If you’d like to have me personally walk you through this new feature, sign up for our live demonstration later this month (Wednesday March 27th at 3PM Eastern).

It will take around ~30 minutes, and by attending, you’ll be able to ask me any questions you might have on how this new feature works.

You’ll also leave ready to roll on your next fundraiser this upcoming season!!!

(Sign Up for the Live Demonstration By Clicking the Link Below)