[FREE WEBINAR] 3 Strategies to Fundraise $20K+

Our next webinar is coming up this month!

Hey Everyone -

I know many of you have spring fundraisers coming up, so I wanted to provide some special content ahead of the start of the season…

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 21st for our next webinar - “3 Strategies to Fundraise $20K+”

We’re going to look at 3 Teamfi Customers who fundraised $20K+

…. and discuss the 3 different strategies they used to do that!!!

Register right here:

(can’t attend? Sign up anyways - I’ll send you the recording)

Can’t wait to see you guys live!!

PS: did you miss our last newsletter? 

We discussed a HUGE new product feature that we released last week.

Check it out right here:

Stay tuned for more product updates later this month!!!
